Counterfeit products and identities have long been a major challenge for the world to tackle. Physical unclonable function (PUF) is a promising anti-counterfeiting method that results in unique and unpredictable keys owing to inevitable random deviations in physical construction, even with the same fabrication process. Among them, optical PUF has attracted much attention due to its high coding capacity and nonlinear response. However, most current optical PUFs typically have fixed excitation-response pairs, static encoding structures, and fixed key-sizes, resulting in relatively low encoding capacity and security, which greatly hinders practical development.
Recently, the research teams of the Infrared Functional Materials Research Center and thin Film Optics Laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences have made new progress in reversible phase segregation of fixed halide perovskites, and tunable key-size PUF has been realized. Related research results were published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. In this work, the research team proposed a tunable key-size PUF based on reversible phase segregation in mixed halide perovskites with uncontrollable Br/I ratios under variable power densities. The basic performance of encryption keys of low and high power density was evaluated and indicated a high degree of uniformity, uniqueness, and readout repeatability. Merging the binary keys of low and high power density, tunable key-size PUF was realized with higher security. The proposed tunable key-size PUF offered new insights into the development of dynamic-structure PUF and demonstrated a simple and novel scheme for achieving higher security of anti-counterfeiting and authentication.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, and the Science and Technology Bureau of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Figure1 Schematic diagram and authentication.
(a) The photoluminescence characteristics of phase segregation in mixed halide perovskites provide parametric support for obtaining multiple CRPs.
Upon a challenge, the tunable key-size PUF provides the corresponding response, achieving a cryptographic key.
(b) Concept schematic of the authentication.
First, store the CRPs of PUFs in the cloud database, and then PUF tags at each stage in commodity circulation can be authenticated by accessing the cloud database.
(Image by SIOM)
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Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS