Attosecond electron bunch, mid-infrared LWFA and machine learning

Update time: 2020-01-10

Speaker: Dr. Jinpu Lin, Center for Ultrafast Optical Science,University of Michigan
Time: 10:00 am, January 10, 2020
Venue: Yizhi Hall, West Campus

Fast Two topics will be addressed in this talk: (1) Experimental evidence of attosecond electron bunches using short-pulse laser-solid interaction. (2) Applying mid-infrared laser technique and artificial intelligence to laser-wakefield acceleration.   
Jinpu Lin received his bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai JiaoTong University and Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Science at the University of Michigan in 2016. He is currently a PhD candidate in the Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences department at the University of Michigan. He is also pursuing a master's degree in Electrical Engineering and a graduate certificate in Plasma Physics (MIPSE) at the University of Michigan. His research interest includes short-pulse laser-solid interaction, high-order-harmonic generation, ultrafast mid-infrared laser techniques, laser-wakefield accelerators and machine learning applications.
