Laser plasma driven waves as accelerators and radiation source

Update time: 2018-05-11

Speaker: Prof. Dino Anthony Jaroszynski

Time: 1:30 p.m., May 11 (Friday), 2018

Venue: Lecture Hall in State Key laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, West Campus


    Professor Dino Anthony Jaroszynski was awarded a first degree in physics and a PhD from the University of Manchester and worked as a research fellow at a number of well-known European laboratories between 1983 and 1996 before taking up a permanent position at the University of Strathclyde. 
    His main research activities have been in the area of collective radiation-matter interactions in atomic systems, free-electron laser (FEL)-like devices and more recently in plasmas. The most outstanding of his scientific achievements was the first demonstration and study of superradiance in a FEL. His other achievements include harmonic generation, self-amplification of spontaneous emission (SASE), two-colour operation and coherent spontaneous emission in the free-electron laser. Dino has also been deeply involved in the design, creation and utilisation of FELs at two very successful European user facilities: FELIX in Holland and CLIO in France. He now heads the TOPS section of the SILIS group, undertaking an experimental and theoretical programme to study collective parametric plasma/electro-magnetic radiation interactions, laser-plasma accelerators and free-electron lasers. The programme includes the study of superradiant amplification, electromagnetically induced transparency, guiding, high harmonic generation from relativistic plasmas and terahertz emission from periodically magnetised plasmas. These studies are contributing to the development tuneable X-ray and terahertz sources.
