Pair Production and Gamma-rays in Laser-electron Collision

Update time: 2017-06-21

Speaker: Prof. Stefan Weber, the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI)

Time: 14:00, June 21, 2017 (Wednesday)

Venue: YIZHI Hall


Since mid-May 2013 Dr. S. Weber is in charge of two research groups at the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), a major project financed by the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic. He is responsible for an experimental group (R5), which is building the research infrastructure for laser-plasma interaction, warm dense matter, high-energy density physics, laboratory astrophysics and ultra-high intensity physics based on the forthcoming 10 PW laser system. He is also direction the research group (R6) which is doing theory and simulation work for topics of relevance to the experimental program. 


The production of positrons using multi-PW laser pulses will be one of the flagship experiments that scientists will perform once these laser systems become available. In this talk simulation work is presented which investigates several possibilities of how positrons can be created using the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler process.
