Tailoring Crystallization in Oxide Glasses: Application to Transparent Polycrystalline Ceramics and Nanostructured Glass-ceramics

Update time: 2017-10-27
Speaker: Dr.Mathieu Allix, The National Center for Scientific Research, France
Time: 13:30, October 27, 2017(Friday)
Venue: Conference Hall, 2ed Floor, R & D Center of High Power Laser Components

Dr. Mathieu Allix, 39 years old, is a CNRS researcher at the CEMHTI laboratory in materials chemistry in Orléans, France. He received his PhD from the University of Caen in 2004 and eventually moved to a 3 years postdoctoral position in Liverpool, UK. His research currently focuses on crystallization in glasses with applications to transparent ceramics elaborated by full and congruent crystallization from bulk glass and transparent glass-ceramics designed from nanoscale phase separated glasses. He is author of over 90 publications and received the CNRS bronze medal award in 2013. He is currently a visiting fellow of the CAS PIFI program applied with IPE, Beijing.

Crystallization from glass can be a powerful process to elaborate innovating transparent materials for optical and photonic applications if nucleation and crystal growth steps can be precisely controlled. This talk will focus on two main applications: transparent polycrystalline ceramics elaborated by full and congruent crystallization from glass and nanostructured glass-ceramics designed from nanoscale phase separated glasses.