Qantum Entangled Frequency Combs: a New Tool for Scalable Quantum Computing ?

Update time: 2013-06-03

Reporter:C. Fabre
Affiliation:Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, UPMC Paris

Time:  At 10:00AM, June. 4, 2013
Place: Honored Guest Meeting Room


Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is well known as the most widely used technique for classical communication through the World Wide Web. It is tempting to try to extend the concept to the domain of Quantum Information Processing and Communication and develop "Quantum WDM", where quantum entanglement is shared between many different frequency components and ready to be used in quantum computing.

We have developed a parametrically generated quantum frequency comb and demonstrated its embedded multipartite entanglement with shaping techniques imported from coherent control. This has allowed us to precisely extract its underlying multi-dimensional temporal / spectral structure, and to characterize it as a source of "cluster states", a basic ingredient for measurement-based quantum computing.
