Digital holography and functional imaging techniques for the next-generation microscopy

Update time: 2018-12-07

Speaker: Professor Dug Young Kim, Yonsei University, Korea

Time: 9:30 am, December 7, 2018
Venue:Room 108 (No. 1 Building)


    3D, super resolution, and function imaging techniques are the three major themes for the next generation optical microscopy. In our lab, we were working on digital holography and interferometry for the last 20 years. Our works on new emerging holographic techniques such as lens less imaging,incoherent light holography will be presented in this talk. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is another topic of my interest,which can measure functional information such as temperature, pH, and a specific ion concentration. Latest FLIM techniques we have developed in our lab will be discussed.